There is so much diversity in the workplace nowadays, especially when a leader is expected to take care of everything. People are not born with an above-level quality of conflict management, so the process of addressing issues within any kind of scope is complicated. It requires skills and a better understanding of a lot of possible causes of social conflict.
According to business psychologist April Lyons, “The understanding, regulation, and use of emotions by leaders can have a substantial impact on their ability to lead. This connection is supported by research showing that emotional skills are critical to the successful performance of individuals at the executive level. Further, the more someone progresses through the organizational hierarchy, the more important emotional skills become in their success.”
In most companies, there’s a tendency that people will try to avoid confrontation. They somehow create an illusion of harmony that’s not even present in the workplace. The method may apply to some conditions, but in the long run, it will create interruption and disruption among employees. So when there is no resolution to the issue, we can conclude that the work environment is not conducive enough for positive development.

What Is Leadership?
Leadership is the art of encouraging and inspiring others to contribute their effort, abilities, and minds to a particular goal or vision. It aims to reach and achieve success in the most productive way possible. Since building a positive working environment requires deep and committed relations among involved people, leadership stands to be its control system. It supports a network with high values, respect, transparency, and integrity.
The Scope Of Leadership
Leadership is never a popularity contest. It is more like a commitment and a full-pledged responsibility. It doesn’t require favorable returns, but rather signifies respect. People need it to be efficient and motivated. It’s the heart of every team and the foundation of every task. Since leading requires an excellent example of all positive approach, one must understand the values it contains. Leaders must act as models of the behavior they expect of others.

Finding Voice And Affirm Shared Ideas – Leadership affects the behavior and productivity of the team. It’s a tool for guiding common ideals and principles between a leader and its members. It helps in aligning actions with shared respect and values to achieve target-present and future goals. Since understanding how diverse views can lead to the creation of another idea, identifying and working on the same purpose and objective must take place.
Leadership Consistency – The process of handling people is difficult, especially when not all of them openly agree with everything a leader tells them. The way of modeling a leader’s process of earning respect requires involvement and direct action. Therefore, a leader’s words and deeds must stay consistent. Though in some instances, a leader’s work is more important than his words because it will determine how strong-minded and committed he is in his position.
Eric Haseltine, Ph.D. has this to say about Walmart’s success: “In other words, it didn’t matter how well things were going for Walmart, Sam and the rest of the company were never satisfied with the status quo, and constantly strove to find new opportunities and new ways of doing business. This constant passion for innovation and change drove Walmart inexorably to the top.”
Personal-Best Projects – A good leader sets an example through different tasks that affect both the positive and negative statuses of a workplace. There’s a required demonstration from a leader of how to sustain and commit to his beliefs. It looks back on the history of personal-best projects that resulted from steadfastness, relentless effort, attention to detail, and competence. There must be a maintained performance to strive for the betterment of the resolutions along the way of achieving success.
Strategic Approach – A Leadership ensures guidelines, procedures, and systems to work so it can assist the team adequately. It creates a strategy that convinces its people to participate willingly without having so much of a complaint. Leadership is responsible for understanding and communicating with its members so they can all build a deliberate vision and decision of the organization’s familiar challenges.
Psychologist Antonette Zeiss answered in an interview about leadership, “Never turn your back on a wave. This is a metaphor meaning be willing to stay involved even when there are big waves coming in. You can ride some of them, can ride over some of them—there are many ways to manage them, but make sure not to avoid them. See them as opportunities, not something to avoid.”
In a workplace highly swamped with diverse people, leadership takes the process of attaining harmony and peace. Its domain is not about demanding or wanting positive results to happen. But instead, it aims for an available and manageable system of a more willing and motivated people.