Being on top is not about having the power to manipulate those beneath you. It’s an opportunity to look after them, provide them with guidance, help them improve themselves, so they, too, may get up to where you are if they want to.
A Person-In-Charge Influences And Inspires
It’s nice to hear great leaders and successful people talk about the idea of being humble. But have they really checked their level of arrogance the moment they stepped into their offices? Or when some media come to interview them?
It’s hard to practice humility when you are the one in charge. People will misinterpret your every move and your every word. But as a leader, you must not rock the boat. Keep your cool and show people your sincerity by not reacting negatively to what they say. Doing your work with modesty will somehow humble them and will make an impact on their performance because a humble leader influences his subordinates.
Arrogant leaders, on the other hand, believe that they are greater than the cause,” says Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D. “As followers, we are drawn to leaders who appear to be powerful and effective, but we should also seek out and support those leaders who have humility. Those who clearly recognize and convey that the cause is bigger than they are,” he adds.
Sometimes, others might feel frustrated when they hear you talking about your success, as your ego is coming first when you talk about how much you’ve accomplished. But when you include them in your accomplishment, they will feel empowered, too, and inspired. Hearing someone they look up to talk about success as if it’s just something that they achieved without sweat boost their self-confidence by points.
A Humble Leader Is A Respected Teacher
The workplace is an arena for employees who thirst for knowledge and new skills to become more capable in their respective jobs.
Working harmoniously with your employees will allow them to gain more knowledge and acquire new skills. Appreciating them will enable them to think more creatively and improve their productivity. This would undoubtedly lead to better results and will put your company to an advantage.
Psychologist Sherrie Campbell says, “When leaders come off as perfect, people aren’t nearly as drawn to follow them because they feel they could never be authentic, vulnerable or accepted by someone of such high status.”
You can raise capable and loyal employees. Being able to keep loyal employees will save you money and energy in recruiting and training new ones. Also, competent employees would mean excellent service; thus, you will be able to retain your satisfied clients.
A leader who leads with humility is loved and respected by everybody.
Humility Is Something You Must Carry Around
Being a leader, you must be ambitious enough to make things happen and reach your goal.
Competition does not happen only in business but also with all your people within the company. Most of your employees have ambition and are eyeing a promotion. And to most of them, being promoted to a higher rank means being able to tell others what they should and not do. Humility is gone once they become a step ahead.
You should not allow your ambition, accomplishments, and increasing size of your bank account kicked humility out the window. Humility is something you must carry with you to reach your goal and fulfill your ambition. Aspire for bigger things without losing people’s respect.
Putting your focus on your work and not on your ego will make you an effective leader.
Have you heard people talking behind you, commenting about how arrogant you are? Or are you struggling and finding it hard to connect to your subordinates? It’s time to examine yourself in the mirror and accept with humility what you are going to see. Think hard, is it about time to change?
“Character matters, we conclude, inasmuch as the measures of character strengths that we have devised end up predicting important outcomes, from happiness to health, from resilience to recovery, and from leadership to longevity.” – Christopher Peterson, Ph.D.